“Shame on America for Abandoning Aziza to Afghanistan Terrorists!”
The little girl, whose name translates to “Powerful” tells her father she feels weak, “and she asks me, ‘why is this blood flowing from my nose?’”
Dear sir,
Hello. hope you are doing well. long time i didn’t hear anything from SIV team, what about your? hope they send the final approval soon because as you know my children are still ill.
Two & three times a week blood come from my small daughter nose. really very dangerous situation. still brutal Taliban chasing me. if they catch me, for sure they will get hard revenge from me. exactly. they are very cruel and dangerous people. once again kindly do your best efforts and free us from hands of dangerous people.
looking forward to hearing good news from you asap. my family is saying best hello to you too. -Aziz
Aziz! I am so sad to hear about your dear daughter; I will again urge faster help. Surely a sick child should speed things up, it’s hard for your family I know. Take care and let’s pray this is the magical week for everyone. Hi to the family, stay strong 💪 -thomas
And Aziz’s reply back:
“Dear Sir, I hope so. really need to leave here urgent. by passing time problems come on problems. I appreciate it for all your helps and support. all we hopeful to visit you physically soon. take care. have a wonderful time. Looking forward to hear good news during this week. Best regards, Aziz
….Balzac is taken aback, saturated with shame. In a flash he recalls an online chat he had 25 years earlier with an Afghan freedom fighter….:
“War is our habit. We are born with weapons. Our poet says: ‘It is our Fate that we are traveling in a stream of blood. We kill one enemy after another.’ Why didn’t you learn your lesson from the British (1838, 1878, 1919). From Russia (1979)?” — Roheela, an Afghan freedom fighter (2009).
Balzac tells Aziz, his Afghan friend and fellow professional musician, how sad he feels for the father and daughter; for Aziz’s entire family, who — to this day — suffer extreme hardships as they remain “on the run” from religious fanatics.
Take a good look at Azizi, America. Feel shame.
We ourselves are allowing our politicians to renege on America’s promise to this little girl of a peaceful future — for all those families whose men sacrificed their lives alongside Allied troops in the Afghan occupation — however “wrong” it was in the first place.
We Americans bloodied Azizi and only cowards will run away from this….
Madmen (we’d call them religious nuts) are still searching for her father Aziz, literally hunting him down. And this lovely young family’s daily nightmare of a story is one of thousands similar.
Aziz’s crime? After working “shoulder to shoulder” alongside our boys for almost 10 years, he returned home just outside Kabul and opened an English academy for boys — and girls.
For these fanatics, this is a crime punishable by summary hanging.
Here’s more stories about this problem I’ve tried to portray in this half-fiction format (to spare the identities of my protagonists):
I’ll include photos of the gruesome hangings Aziz captured on camera (for me) in future posts. It seems only “shock journalism” will save Aziz.
More excerpts from “the story”:
….Aziz tells his friend it is only a matter of time terrorists learn he worked “shoulder to shoulder” with the US military, and then — with America’s encouragement— established an English academy for girls and boys.
…..Aziz’s private school just outside Kabul bravely operated for several years until he was forced to immediately shutter the academy and go into hiding from a group of extreme fundamentalists — or “terrorists” (he labels them) — who had, quite suddenly, overcome the Afghan armies’ defenses with hardly a shot fired; and had taken over the entire country in the blink of the eyes.
….On many occasions the Taliban commanded he close the school — especially to girls — but he refused for years, emboldened by the presence of his American partners; the soldiers for whom he, daily, translated orders for materials and tracked shipments until their arrival to the troops. He also drove trucks carrying the fuel needed to operate the military bases….
…Dear Sir, Hello. Hope you are fine and healthy beside of all your respectful family. still i didn’t hear anything from SIV did you hear something new sir? really by passing time i getting worry more and more. absolutely they are unwise and dangerous people.
if they arrest me, they will cut my head without any delay. believe me sir my innocent children by passing time are getting tired and tired.
everyday i am thinking about that where i should keep hide myself. all night i couldn’t sleep because fear of dangerous people. s
ir, once again kindly request it from SIV team to free us urgent from hands of dangerous people. looking forward to hearing from you asap.
my family is saying best hello to you too. thank you so much for everything.
-30- (To Be Updated Periodically)