Blah, blah, blah. Another "story" about writing and publishing stories. Where's the beef, where's the money, where's the proof your stories effect change or create substantial income? There ain't none, face it. Yes, I'm bitter. I don't write as well as you but there's no reason I have almost 0 followers and 0 reads of my boring-ass words. No, I don't demonstrate this anger in them. They should have been attractive to, at least the boring-ass readers "out there." And where is "there," anyway? For what is this platform, Medium? For people who like to type to themselves? For instance, I wrote a perfectly fine article recently (from my "Words for Sale" series). Zip. Nothing. No effecting change at all; no coercing the Fates or even nudging -- as in this story's attempt -- Government to do the right thing in just this single case....: